Sunday 25 May 2014

Milestone Day!

A huge milestone was celebrated today with the halfway mark being achieved 10 km west of Mundrabilla. The crew traveling with Brad are in total awe of the manner in which he goes about each leg of his daily ride. For a guy who has cycled 1460 km you would expect and accept some cracks in his armour. He is phenomenal in both physical and mental strength. Conditions have been challenging ever since leaving Adelaide in particular the prevailing headwinds. Brad regularly comments on the quality of the road surface and the impact that it has on his ability to maintain speed and rhythm. It is very evident that Brad is on the road trip of his life with his best mate Mitch right by his side.

The bra tree raising awareness of breast cancer.
Today’s highlights included Brad riding past two eagles as they took flight from a feast of roadkill. It was mentioned that these eagles were having a win unlike lastnight’s version against Collingwood! Obviously traveling at a slower speed than usual across the Nullarbor, things come to your attention. We noticed a tree laden in bras with a sign attached enlightening people tothe ongoing battle towards breast cancer.  

The support crew is always on red alert for any threats to Brad whilst riding. Vehicles were always going to represent the greatest threat. Since leaving Adelaide we have witnessed three irresponsible drivers who have failed to take due caution to the warning beacons and signs.

MOAM crew gathered around the campfire.
Today’s ride saw Brad complete 120 km from Mundrabilla to Madura. The caravan park has fire pits scattered around so the crew set to in gathering wood. There are few better nights to be had than sitting around an open fire in a remote setting. Gracie shared then put into action a recipe where bananas are split then packed with chocolate and placed on an open fire grill. A quick dash was made to the kiosk to buy some icecream because being thoughtful support crew we know how important it is for Brad to refuel after a long ride! To say the least, yumo!!

As we close for the night we are all relieved to be back on WA time!

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